Head of laboratory
+7 (495) 3652981
Scientific activities:
- Assessment of occupational risk for reproductive health of workers engaged in harmful and dangerous working conditions and the birth of sick children (congenital malformations, physical and mental abnormalities, including asocial behavior, social adaptation’ problems, etc.)
- Development of normative and methodological documents aimed at preserving the reproductive potential of the population, reducing the rates of maternal and child morbidity, mortality and disability, and improving the demographic situation in the country
- Development of Programs for the prevention of reproductive health problems of employees engaged in enterprises with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions
- Expertise of projects on health protection, including reproductive health, at enterprises
- Analysis of the medical and social consequences of impact of harmful and dangerous working conditions on the reproductive health of workers. Development of a system of measures for the rehabilitation of people with reproductive health disorders
- Development of a chemical safety system and workers’ reproductive health monitoring model to implement in the work of the labor and health authorities
- Development of a database of contingent patients – “disabled children”, taking into account the work of parents in harmful and dangerous conditions