Occupational Health
The integrated area of preventive and clinical medicine, the main purpose of which is to preserve the worker`s health by studying the impact on it of the conditions of labor with a view to developing an integrated system for the prevention of occupational and work-related diseases
Leading Institution of the Russian Federation for the study of hygienic and clinical issues of the emergence, diagnosis, course and treatment of occupational and work-related diseases with subsequent rehabilitation
Сemployees in the present time
390 people, including:
- Scientific employees – 175
- Candidates of Sciences – 78
- Doctors of Sciences – 34
- The Professors – 15
- Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
- Professor – 1
- Corresponding Member – 2
- Academician – 1
Institute full title
The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health”
Legal address
31, Prospect Budennogo, Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation