Constituent documents (all documents are in Russian):
- Regulations on the Institute of Occupational Diseases of Moscow Health Department (worked out by the Organizational Commission for the study of occupational morbidity. Approved by the Head of Moscow Health Department of 20/VI-1923. Resolution No. 278) (pdf)
- Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (June 30th, 1944, No. 797) on the establishment of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and the Attachment 2 “Institutes of the Academy of medical sciences of the USSR” (pdf)
- Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Science-research institute of occupational health” (Approved by the decree of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of 03.10.2014 No. 638) (pdf)
- Changes in the Charter (Approved by the decree of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of 13.02.2015 No. 57) (pdf)
- Changes in the Charter (Approved by the decree of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of 06.04.2015 No. 140) (pdf)
- Changes in the Charter (Approved by the decree of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of 28.11.2016 No. 637) (pdf)
- Changes in the Charter (Approved by the decree of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of 30.03.2017 No. 142) (pdf)
- Certificate No. 020.678 of 29.12.1992 “On state registration of a state institution” (pdf)