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The Scientific and Practical Conference «Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor B. Savin will be held at the FSBSI «Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health» (FSBSI «RIOH») on June 23, 2020.

Boris Savin was born January 9, 1920, went through the front of the Second World War, and from 1946 to 1976 had been a scientist in the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy. Doctor of Medicine, Professor B. Savin headed the laboratory of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the Scientific Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Professional Diseases of the USSR Medical Sciences Academy 1976, and worked there for 20 years. Over the years of work in the Institute, he made the significant contribution in electromagnetic field occupational exposure hygienic regulation to ensure the electromagnetic safety of workers and military personnel. Principles and criteria of electromagnetic fields regulation, control and protection, based on the dose-effective dependencies of the factor’s effects developed under his leadership, still serve the basis of systematic solution of EMF occupational and general public human health adverse effects prevention.

The main scientific directions of the conference:
  1. Occupational and general public electromagnetic fields hygienic regulation actual issues.
  2. Electromagnetic fields application in medicine actual issues.
  3. Electromagnetic fields control methods.
  4. Biological effects of electromagnetic fields and risk assessment.
  5. Modeling of electromagnetic field exposure conditions.
  6. Human health EMF adverse effects assessment.
  7. EMF collective and personal protective means.

Venue: Moscow, Budennogo Prospect 31, FSBSI «RIOH», Conference Hall.

Conference Organizing Committee:
  • Chairman: Igor Bukhtiyarov, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, RAS Corresponding Member,
  • Executive Secretary: Nina Rubtsova, Doctor of Biology, Professor,
  • Sergey Perov, Doctor of Biology,
  • Vasily Lysukhin, Candidate of Medicine,
  • Olga Belaya, Candidate of Biology.
Conference Program Committee:
  • Chairman: Yury Paltsev, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor
  • Lyudmila Prokopenko, Doctor of Medicine, Professor,
  • Lyudmila Kuzmina, Doctor of Biology, Professor,
  • Larisa Pokhodzey, Doctor of Medicine.