Opening ceremony of the monument
to Nikolai Izmerov

On June 26, 2018, the opening ceremony of the monument to Nikolai Fedotovich Izmerov took place at the Troekurov Cemetery. Not only the staff of the Institute headed by him, but also prominent scientists and heads of institutions, friends and relatives took part.


Words of memories of Nikolai Izmerov sad RAS Academicians V.I. Pokrovsky, N.V. Rusakov, I.B. Ushakov, V.G. Akimkin, V.N. Rakitsky, V.A. Tutelyan, V.V. Pokrovsky, RAS Corresponding Members I.V. Bukhtiyarov, N.V. Polunina, I.P. Bobrovnitsky, many colleagues and close people of Nikolai Fedotovich.

Special words of gratitude were addressed to the widow of Nikolai Fedotovich – Natalya Ivanovna Izmerova, the author and practical embodiment of the idea of ​​creating a monument.

The bright memory of this great scientist and teacher, a kind and sympathetic person will remain for a long time in our hearts.

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